Search Results - Climate Change

The Ocean Colour System Gets a ‘Refresh,’ Permitting More Precise and Accurate Measurements

The Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) is an ocean-color sensor that serves as a primary reference instrument for satellite measurements of the color of the ocean. Single-cell plants called phytoplankton contain chlorophyll that reflects the green in sunlight, which gives the ocean color. Researchers can study these measurements to better understand the planet's climate. MOBY...

Amazing Scientific Discoveries of 2022

The world of science is everchanging and progressive. Every day a new scientific discovery is made. Here are some of the most relevant this year: Consumption of Microplastics Can Cause Evolutionary Changes After the non-biting midges of the species Chironomus riparius were exposed to microplastics, the genome of subsequent generations changed. Credit: Markus Pfenninger In April 2022,...

Why Do Bat Viruses Keep Contaminating People?

Landmark research shows 'spillover' mechanism for the rare but fatal Hendra viruses. Australian flying foxes host a virus called Hendra, which has spilled over into people and can cause a rare but deadly respiratory infection.Credit: Auscape/Universal Images Group/Getty " Hey, men, could you open your wings and show me?" states Peggy Eby, looking up at a...

Old Genomes Show Unseen History of Human Adaption

Utilizing old DNA, consisting of examples of human remains roughly 45,000 years, has shed light on a previously unknown facet of human development. Dr. Yassine Souilmi, Team Leader at the College of Adelaide's Australian Center for Old DNA, co-led the recent research study released in Nature Ecology and Development. "It was extensively thought the genes of...

Smartphone Data Can Help Create Global Vegetation Maps

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Nature and the environment are mutually dependent. Plant growth is absolutely depending on the environment; however, this is, consequently, firmly influenced by plants, such as in a woodland, which evaporates a great deal of water. To be able to make precise predictions regarding just how the living world may create, a substantial...

Doomsday Glacier Bigger Than Florida Might Break Off In The Next Few Years, Warn Scientists

Melting glacier. credit: iStock/ fredtamashiro The Thwaites Glacier is holding onto Antarctica's ice sheet by its fingernails, and the globe might see significant changes over the next year or two, researchers have alerted in a recently released study, CNN reported. As the world warms, giant sheets of ice near the poles have been melting off. Previously...

Black or White? Ancient Egyptian Race Mystery Now Solved

Credit: Dean Mouhtaropoulos / Getty Images A study describes how scientists conducted the first successful DNA sequencing on old Egyptian mummies. Egyptologists, writers, scholars, and others, have suggested the race of the ancient Egyptians since at least the 1970s. Some today think they were sub-Saharan Africans. We can observe this interpretation portrayed in Michael Jackson's 1991...

Robotic Motion In Curved Space Defies Common Laws of Physics

Experimental realization of a swimmer on a sphere with actuated motors on a freely rotating boom arm. Credit: Georgia Tech When humans, animals, also machines move throughout the world, they always press against something, whether it is the ground, air, or water. Until currently, physicists thought this to be a constant, following the law of...

A Scientist Just Accidentally Developed A Battery That Could Last A Lifetime

A nanowire compared to a human hair. Poor battery life is the number one issue when it comes to smartphones and laptops. As a wireless society, having to secure ourselves to power up our gadgets seems more and more a nuisance. Furthermore, while scientists are looking into wireless charging, we would have to worry less...

A Strange Rising Radiance in a Remote Galaxy Can Modification the Means We Consider Great Voids

This illustration reveals the accumulation disk, corona (pale, cone-shaped swirls over the disk), and also supermassive great void of energetic galaxy 1ES 1927 +654 before its recent flare-up. Credit: NASA/Sonoma State College, Aurore Simonnet. Something weird is taking place in the galaxy referred to as 1ES 1927 +654: In late 2017, and for reasons that...