Search Results - solar

Revolutionizing Water and Food Production: Solar-Powered Vertical Sea Farms

The sun and the sea, both bountiful and freely available, are at the heart of a groundbreaking project aiming to create vertical sea farms that float on the ocean. These farms have the potential to produce fresh water for drinking and agriculture in a self-sufficient manner, all without human intervention.  A world-first initiative by researchers...

Recently identified Sun “Nanoflares” May Serve as the Origin of Solar Wind

Credit: Pixaobay While outer space lacks traditional air, it experiences a unique form of wind known as solar wind, composed of charged particles emitted by the Sun. The precise process driving this phenomenon remains unclear, but the Solar Orbiter spacecraft from the European Space Agency (ESA) has recently detected hitherto undiscovered "small-scale" eruptions on the...

Climate Change May Disrupt Future Solar Generation, According to Modeling

Eventos disruptivos de geração solar, chamados rampas, mudarão significativamente no futuro. Credit: Pixaobay The stability of grid-connected solar power systems in Australia's renewable energy transition should take into account the potential impact of climate change, which may affect their future performance. Modeling conducted by researchers at UNSW Sydney indicates that disruptive solar generation events, known as...

A Groundbreaking Wearable Sensor Achieves an Unprecedented Level of Solar Power Efficiency

Credit: iStock Sweat, akin to blood, holds valuable insights into an individual's health, and fortunately, its collection is much less intrusive. This forms the foundation for the creation of wearable sweat sensors, crafted by Wei Gao, an assistant professor of medical engineering, Heritage Medical Research Institute Investigator, and Ronald and JoAnne Willens Scholar. Expanding Substance Measurement...

Solar, Wood, and Bacteria Together in Water Purification

A group of scientists in China has created an innovative solar-powered contraption that effectively cleanses water, making it safe for consumption. Credit: eduardkraft/Depositphotos The University of Science and Technology of China has made a breakthrough in water purification by introducing a unique wooden device that utilizes bacteria to construct essential nanostructures, enabling evaporation as a...

Transparent Solar Panels Windows of the Future

This innovation allows for the absorption of sunlight without compromising the view through these transparent surfaces.Credit: Masood Aslami/ A group of scientists from Michigan State University has created a technology capable of transforming see-through surfaces, such as windows in buildings or cell phone screens, into surfaces that can collect solar energy. This innovation allows for...

Solar Dish Produces Hydrogen and Oxygen and Heat

The pivotal component in EPFL's innovative solar hydrogen reactor is the parabolic dish. EPFL engineers have successfully constructed and examined a solar reactor capable of harnessing sunlight and water to produce hydrogen gas. This system not only exhibits exceptional efficiency in hydrogen generation but also effectively utilizes the byproducts of oxygen and heat. Hydrogen has a...

A New Ring System Found in Our Solar System

Artist impression of Quaoar's rings. Credit: Paris Observatory A group of researchers has discovered a previously unknown ring system around a dwarf planet located at the outer edge of the solar system. This ring system is unique in that it orbits much farther out than other known ring systems, which challenges current theories about the...

The Coming Solar Eclipse Will Be the Last Visible in United State Until 2045

Elipse solar. Credit: EUMETSAT. "Throughout my life, I have constantly noticed articles and news about total solar eclipses, just to be let down by the fact that the eclipse was invisible in the United States. Fortunately, the following year, this will alter." said Harley Manson. On April 8th, 2024, a total solar eclipse from the United...

Flashes on the Sun Could Aid Researchers in Predicting Solar Flares

Two images of a solar active region (NOAA AR 2109) taken by SDO/AIA show extreme-ultraviolet light produced by million-degree-hot coronal gas (top images) on the day before the region flared (left) and the day before it stayed quiet and did not flare (right). The changes in brightness (bottom images) at these two times show...